Directions of the Decolonial Turn with Walter Mignolo & Nelson Maldonado-Torres

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture (CPIC) at Binghamton University is officially closing its doors this year. As a formal closure, we invite you to join our public event on Nov. 10th and 11th for a convivial and passionate discussion. The event is called “Directions of the Decolonial Turn”. We invite two influential thinkers in the field of decolonial studies to give a public talk and a seminar – Prof. Walter Mignolo from Duke University and Prof. Nelson Maldonado-Torres from Rutgers University. Along with the two speakers and Prof. Maria Lugones, the director of CPIC, we look forward to exchanging the different understandings, experiences, and future outlooks with all the participants. Your thought is of crucial importance to us. We see this event as an opportunity to build our coalitional politics and exercise our decolonial love.

At a time of diversity and dispersion of uses of the term “decolonial”, what are the direction(s) and pragmatics of coloniality/(de)coloniality as a non-unified intellectual political movement that calls for an epistemological turn away from the dehumanization of people of color by those whom Maldonado Torres calls “normal subjects”? Where does the decolonial politics go? What are the “yes” and “no” of the decolonial? How is the epistemic decolonial turn opening the way for the rise of epistemologies from the Global South, and bringing in new interpretations of the human experiences? How do we dwell into the central concepts that express this epistemic politics, such as “the communal”? These are some questions we would like to think together.

[Public Talk and Discussion]
Date: Friday, Nov. 10th
Time: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Room: Binghamton University Art Museum (Fine Arts Building, FA 213)

Date: Saturday, Nov. 11th
Time: 11:00 am -2:00 pm
Room: English Conference Room (Library Tower, LT 2401)